The cable stays safe in the groove and gives you a smooth surface to install tile.

The UWG4 WiFi thermostat offers all the things you expect from a smart WiFi touchscreen thermostat
WLAN network connection
Remote access
Voice control
Installation wizard
Intuitive control
3.5” color touchscreen
Industrial Design:
USA – Design Patent No. D768092
Canada – Design Patent No. 161353
Making Headlines


Heated floor that's smart.
The average person cannot afford the energy bill of an electric heated floor. Most heated floors require a lot of kilowatt hours to warm and maintain a comfortably warm tile floor. The energy is wasted on the hours it takes to heat the substrate before the tile gets warm. HeatBoard is insulated with polyiso which has the highest R-Value per cubic inch than any other building material on the market. This keeps the cold below and let's the energy just heat the tile. Warm your floor in minutes and maintain warmth with a fraction of the energy cost.
By the way, contractors love it because they can install tile in the same day. Most heat cables require a screed or self-level that needs to cure for 2-3 days before tiling. Why wait? Buy HeatBoard.